Features To Be Noted For GrubHub Clone - Users

GrubHub is an online food ordering company that connects diners with a local restaurant. Initially, GrubHub started in Chicago, US, now it has spread its wings over 1600 cities across US and UK. It has a rich collection of restaurants partners around 80,000. You can also narrow down the order selection here.
GrubHub and its clone script offers services for customers restaurants. Let’s see the features offered
GrubHub Clone For Consumers
GrubHub Clone comforts consumers with its features given below,
Multiple platforms for profile creation — Consumers are an important actor, do you love to taste a delicious food! if yes, then try GrubHub, by creating a new profile through many platforms like Email, Facebook for uninterrupted online food ordering services. The consumer can edit, delete their own profile if they feel any change or inconvenience.
Instant search — In GrubHub and its clone, it is easy to search for best food offering restaurants and food items. Initially, Consumer explores food with location and cuisine type that is displayed in multiple categories. In GrubHub pickup or delivery of food prevailed as a filter and in clone its asked in the checkout page. In GrubHub list of best restaurants are displayed based on consumers choice of ratings, distance, features and consumer counts. GrubHub Clone choice of the restaurant will be with the rating, offers, restaurant availability and distance.
Order food — With the specific scenario and criteria consumer can order food that they like, Initially, it is added to cart, then it is checked out for payment procedure, that is done through secured payment gateways like stripe and PayPal. The consumer can pre-order their favourite food it will be delivered hot and fresh at that time.
Bookmarking — delivery address — Consumers can save their delivery address for further use like immediate booking and delivery of foods.
Multiple payment gateways — After choosing food item. will be placed in the cart, where the consumer can check order summary and payment breakdowns. The consumer can add coupon code and the discount will be automatically applied to cart summary. The consumer selects comfortable payment gateways while checking out and another provision of payment, while is food delivered.
Ratings & Reviews — The consumer can review about food ordered and served. The ordered and delicious foods after delivery and tasty ones are rated and reviewed by consumers for further use and for restaurants improvements.
Consumer order details — In consumer account order history, liked and saved restaurants for frequent approach and no need of wasting time in searching and with any problem consumer can contact GrubHub customer care services given by best online food ordering script.
GrubHub has provided more features and comfort users with appealing and user-interactive site. If you wish to start a best online food ordering service get Grubhub Clone, it is the best to clone the GrubHub with striking features, customization and easily approachable.


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